Monday, July 27, 2009

Hard day's work

Today, at work, I have accomplished...

  • compared 4 different state parks looking for just the right place to go camping.
  • made camping reservations for me and the kids.
  • purchased airline tickets for Dave and I to go to Atlanta
  • made car reservations to drive around Atlanta and then drive to Florida.
  • got Dave's panties in a twist by lying and telling him our car rental did not have cruise control.
  • made 6,802 calls to my mother, sister and Dave to discuss all of the plans I made because I'm excited therefore they should be too.
  • 2 conference calls that totalled 30 minutes.
  • submitted my time for the day.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rhyme Time

Alex: "Hey Mom, lets rhyme words"

Me: "sure, how about... blue"

Alex: "true"

Me: "um, water"

Alex: "hotter"

me: "Toad"

Alex: "chode"


me: "whoops, how about load, mode, code?"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Shake it

The last couple of nights Olivia has crawled up on my lap and wants to rock for the last few minutes before bedtime. The moment she gets settled her eyes start to droop.

I'm faced with the choice, keep her awake and cut snuggling short, or enjoy the moment and rock my sleepy girl until my arms fall asleep then try to hold her (still sleeping) on the toilet and get her to pee without letting her fall in.

I can't bring myself to kick her off my lap.


I was listening to my ipod cleaning up after dinner. Olivia wanted to listen to music just like me. Turning on the radio wasn't good enough, she needed earphones too.

Of course she needed earphones... and like a good mom (sucker) I spent 20 minutes tracking down a pair that doesn't fall off her head.

I clipped my little ipod shuffle I use for running on her shirt, checked the volume and crammed most of the headset cord into her shirt so she wouldn't trip on it.

I ran through a mental list of songs I had on the ipod while she danced around the kitchen and I crossed my fingers that a couple of songs wouldn't come up in the play list.

Next thing I know she's shaking it pretty good and kind of humming.

I knew exactly what she was listening to before she sang a single word.

"Shake it like a Polaroid picture"

Friday, July 17, 2009


Holy crap she's three.


Its going by way too fast.

The day she was born everyone was waiting for a tornado to drop right in the middle of Omaha.


Who would have guessed she was tornado.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Last year I read Eragon and loved it. When I went to the bookstore to get the second book I had the embarrassment of being led with all of my judgemental attitude to the tween section by a gum snapping little teenager. I remember leaving the store thinking I would have been better off borrowing the books from my 12 year old niece.

This past weekend my sister borrowed some books from the very same niece and started reading one aloud in the car on the way home from Minnesota. She was reading Twilight.

(Getting read to helps break up the drive and saves us from playing a competitive Alphabet Game in sparsely populated northern Iowa.)

It was clearly another tween book. The writing was kind of juvenile and the story is predictable. I still couldn't help but get sucked in. I was getting giggly and twitterpated at every hint of romance.

We were a little over a third of the way through the book when we got back to Omaha and it killed me that I would have to wait for my sister to finish the book before I could let it take over all of my free time.

She called me yesterday morning (a little over 12 hours after she stopped reading to me in the car) to tell me she was done and offered to drop it off at my office. It sat on my desk behind me for a half a day before I picked it up and wasted the rest of my day reading.

I confessed to Dave last night that I had a new book obsession and he will probably see the book within arm's reach for a while. It didn't take long before he had it out of me that it was my niece's book, and its about teenage vampires. Dave couldn't stop laughing at me.

Sadly, I've stopped writing this twice to read a couple more pages and just knowing its less than 2 feet away is very distracting. So much for the promise I made to read only my lunch hour.

At least this time I know I wont have to face another teenager in book store. I can go directly to my niece for the rest of the Twilight Series.